January 25, 2002 at the Fireside

    Yakuza is an amazing band. Having seen them perform once before- December 26 with Macabre at the Metro- I knew what to expect, but I had forgotten the sheer force of Yakuza's stage presence.
    The night started off with some technical difficulties- too much feedback and guitar pedals that wouldn't work (something along those lines). Not only did that frustrate the band, but also it cut into time allotted to play. Which sucked, because the more Yakuza the better, in my book.
    Once they got on stage, though none of those problems mattered. It is hard to describe what the music of Yakuza sounds like: a hybrid of sorts between hardcore, punk and jazz-fusion. But, it is more than that: It's more like four musicians slamming their hearts out on stage and each getting a distinct sound but they all fit together to create something powerful and beautiful.
    If there is any justice in the music world, Yakuza will be the next big thing to come out of Chicago. They disserve it.

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